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Moving Lights for Stage and Worship

Whether you call them movers, automated lights or intelligent fixtures, it's tough to ignore the impact that automated luminaires have made on stage lighting design.

Get moving with Automated Fixtures

While indispensable in large scale concert designs, the benefits of moving lights are being realized by theater companies, churches, and scholastic arts programs.

Movers offer extremely bright output with unmatched flexibility. A single fixture can be used to create a myriad of colors, with multitudes of textures. They can be remotely operated to focus on any location within shooting distance. The culmination of various motors, wheels, and optics gives intelligent luminaires the ability to simulate nearly any traditional theatrical lighting fixture, at the touch of a button.

Intelligent lighting adds adaptability to any lighting rig. Last minute changes to corporate presentations can be easily accommodated by creating a new position preset. A bride’s color scheme can be realized in seconds and without compromise. Churches and theaters can create new imagery and looks for each new service, series or show, or refocus the light from the singer to the speaker.

Automated fixtures replace multiple conventional fixtures and in most cases they do not require outboard dimmers. Focus time is reduced, as there is no need to climb a ladder or erect scaffolding to position the unit. When you add moving lights to your lighting system, you also add versatility and excitement.

About VLS

Vincent Lighting Systems (VLS) is a full-service entertainment and architectural lighting and rigging supplier, serving the states of Ohio, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and nationwide. Our team provides reliable sales, repair, rental and production support.

Since 1978, the experts at VLS have met customers’ needs with equipment and products from over 100 industry manufacturers. VLS has managed 10,000+ projects and productions, including specialty architecture, bridges, theatres, schools, houses of worship, weddings, and corporate events.

For lighting assistance in Cleveland, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Columbus, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Louisville, Raleigh, Charlotte and beyond, contact the professionals at Vincent Lighting Systems.

Want to add moving lights to your next rental or purchase?

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