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Today's Take-5 Spotlight is on Steve Rogers, Senior VP of Delivery

What is your title?
SVP, Delivery

How long have you been with VLS?
A little over a year

What Office Do You Work Out Of?

What is your hometown?
Guilford, Indiana

What do you like most about the lighting industry?
Light, for those of us lucky enough to have the gift of sight, has the power to create awe and inspiration in all of us. While many of the projects and jobs that we do are “run of the mill” and can seem a bit boring, there is always someone that is consuming the output of our efforts that thinks otherwise. And while our part in a larger effort, say the creation of a new theater, is a small piece of the overall whole, it is that piece that people see night after night. While they may not think about it consciously, it is still there, just like us working away every day to design systems and lighting packages aimed at and focused on exceeding expectations.

Who inspires you?
My wife, Amie. She never ceases to amaze me. She has been through more than most people should in her life and is just the most nice, caring individual I know. Every day she does something that inspires me and forces me to look at myself and ask what I can be doing more of to support her.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to enter the lighting industry?
Go for it. Think about what aspect of the Lighting industry excites you. Try to learn what you can if you are “on the outside”, but don’t let that deter you. It’s a great community.

What’s one thing — either industry-related or not — you learned in the last month?
That a total solar eclipse is an awesome sight to see if you are lucky enough to get yourself into the path of totality. And to work for a company that goes out of its way to promote that experience by closing offices and encouraging everyone that could to get out there and watch is inspiring.

Fun Facts About Steve

What’s something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?
While I never actually kept track, I would estimate that I have owned over 200 cars in my lifetime. I’m not sure what is wrong with me, but this is just a fact. New cars, used cars, American cars, import cars, big cars, tiny cars, even an ex military Humvee. In fact, the current stable consists of 12 vehicles ranging from 1961 to 2022. This breaks down to two categories. Cars we drive to get around and cars I work on in my spare time.

What’s the last book you read?
Yearbook by Seth Rogen. Well, technically it is an audio book but this is the only way this particular book can be consumed. You have to hear it in Seth’s own words and voice for it to really be meaningful.

What is your favorite hobby?
Probably working on cars, but sometimes that seems more of a chore than a hobby. I also like to make beer. I guess it is the scientist in me that draws me to this. I’ve been doing it since I was a teenager with my best friend. Needless to say, I am a lot better at it now than I was then when we were poor and dumb and took forever to figure out that you don’t use an aluminum pot to cook the beer. That is, unless you enjoy the metallic flavor of aluminum in your end product.

What’s the first concert you ever attended?
The Rolling Stones played at Candlestick Park in San Francisco in 1981. It was their farewell tour! Well, it was the first of an almost infinite number of farewell tours that they have done since then at least. Side note, my first concert was going to be Kiss a few years earlier than that but my boneheaded friend who had the tickets in his hand, gave them to the guy that was checking bags when you first enter the parking lot, probably two hundred yards from the stadium. I did not notice this until we got to the door and, when asked for our tickets, he said that someone had already asked for them and collected them “back there”. It was a long wait for his Dad to finally come pick us up as we listened to the music wafting over the air from outside the coliseum.

What’s the next place on your travel bucket list?
Probably America. Some of you may know that my wife and I go to Mexico a lot. We have developed strong friendships and bonds over the years but we are in the process of turning a page and looking for the next grand adventure. We have a fifth wheel trailer that is just sitting in the driveway (did not count that in the number of vehicles…) and every time I walk past it I can hear it calling out and asking for us to show it some of America.

If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Probably Pad See Ew. It is a Thai dish with thick rice noodles, chicken and Thai broccoli. I went to Thailand a number of years back and stopped at a roadside stand and had the best dish I had ever eaten. Since then, I am in search of the best Pad See Ew I can find, sometimes pleasantly surprised, sometimes bitterly disappointed.

What’s one item you can’t live without?
Lemon juice. Well, Lime juice as well. Just about every glass of water I drink, whenever possible, has either lemon juice or lime juice in it. No scurvy for me!

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