VLS Voted as Finalist for Hometown Hero Lighting Company of the Year

We are honored to have been voted a finalist for Projection, Lights & Staging News' Hometown Hero Lighting Company of the Year award! Your vote can help us get a Parnelli Award.

All throughout September, PLSN readers were able to vote for the best regional lighting company in each of six separate regions in North America – five U.S. regions and all of Canada.

Thanks to your votes, Vincent Lighting Systems made the final cut for Hometown Hero Lighting Company of the Yeard, and we are now on the final Parnelli Awards ballot.

We need your votes! This final round of voting closes on December 6, with the winners to be announced and honored at the Parnelli Awards in January.

The awards ceremony is set for Jan. 17, 2020 at the Hilton in Anaheim, CA during Winter NAMM.

Enjoy working with Vincent Lighting Systems? We’d love to have your vote, to help us win a Parnelli Award!

PLSN and Front of House (FOH) subscribers can vote until noon on Friday, December 6. Click here to vote (you will need your last name and subscriber number)

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